Welcome to First UMC
We are a congregation committed to sharing the love of Christ not just in word but in action. At First you'll find an diverse group of people who agree on one thing, loving our neighbors as ourselves just as Jesus instructed. We believe we're on a journey of faith with an exciting and mysterious God who continues to call each of us to proclaim God's kingdom here and now. We'd love to have you join us on that journey.
Connect With Us
We want to connect with you. At First we have several opportunities for you to worship, grow, and serve together with others. Check out this link for some ways to connect.

Upcoming Events
We have many opportunities to get and stay involved. Check out our calendar for upcoming events and and to see what we have going on this month!
Contact Us
Get In Touch Or Drop In At A ServiceWorship ServIce TimE
Sundays at 10:00 am
8:30am-4:30 pm (Sept-May) *Summer Hours: 8:30am-12:30 pm (May 27-Sept 1)
Contact Information
(419) 353-0682
1526 E. Wooster St.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402