Our Vision
We love God and people and we want to be a church that puts that into action. Whether it’s through volunteering at Crim Elementary, serving at our monthly food distribution, or mentoring college students, we want to be the church that loves our neighbors as Jesus instructed us. It’s our hope that for those who visit our church or interact with our people you’ll experience the love of God. If you’re apart of First we invite you to worship, grow, and serve so that everyone can grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Our Values

We value the corporate gathering of the community in worship.

God is continually calling us to step out in faith. We value growth in discipleship and provide opportunities through small groups, Bible studies, or serving our community.

Jesus came into the world to serve. We try to model that. We exist for those outside our walls and believe serving is an essential part of discipleship.
Our Team

Dan Miller
Modern Worship LeaderDr. Mark Munson
OrganistSteve Goyer
TreasurerMonica Jatho
Director of FUM Child Learning CenterRon Springstead
Church MaintenanceContact Us
Get In Touch Or Drop In At A ServiceSunday ServIce Time
Modern Worship 9 :00 am
Traditional Worship 11:00 am
Summer Worship
(Memorial Day - Labor Day) 10:00 am
Contact Information
(419) 353-0682
1526 E. Wooster St.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402